Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Reload kesalahan software: 552 di gemini Blackberry

I had a bit of slight problem with my blackberry handset. actually it was all started when I try to install twitter for blackberry. when the installing was done then my blackberry handset restarted itself and showed an error like this.

Reload software: 552

reading this error frightened me as I really don’t know what actually happen. I tried rebooting but to no avail as the error keep showing itself. so after much googling on the internet I had found the solution for this problem. Firstly that error means that your OS is toasted, so you need to reinstall the OS. and the only way to do this is by using the desktop manager application that comes with the purchase of your blackberry handset.

so to do that first you must turn off your handset by pulling off the battery. after that you need to plug in the blackberry with the USB cable to your computer and always remember that the state of your blackberry is still with the battery off.
1. now open the desktop manager application and click application loader.
2. Under the Update Software heading, click Start.
3. Click Options. This allows you to add or remove applications from the BlackBerry smartphone.
4. Select the applications that you want to install, if there weren’t any than leave it blank.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Finish
8. Once the application load process starts, insert the battery into the BlackBerry smartphone.

now after doing all the above steps then you’re getting your DM (desktop manager) looks like this

then you need to re-insert the battery again, failing to do so will resulted in another error because the blackberry will restarted itself and cannot continue because there were no battery. so always remember that you put your battery back on while on this state.

after you had put the battery then the desktop manager would looks like this below.

now after seeing the above screenshot you can well assume that your blackberry is now right back on track. and after finish loading all the application then you will have your blackberry free from the error that you first encounter. But anyway since this means that wiping all your blackberry data so you always had to backup your data in blackberry periodically in case something like this ever happen again.

let me know if it still not working then after you try all the steps I had provided above.
for those who do not have the software, please download the following link.
Klik Link Download


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